Aug 10, 2020

Councilor Terrence Kennedy to speak to Lynnfield Democratic Town Committee

Lynnfield resident, attorney Terrence Kennedy, will speak to the Lynnfield Democratic Town Committee at its monthly meeting August 19th at 7:00 PM.  He is the incumbent in the Democratic primary to represent  the 6th District in the Massachusetts Governor’s Council. The primary election is on September 1st. Mr. Kennedy has been on the Governor’s Council since 2011. He is a criminal defense lawyer with a private practice in Everett, MA.

On his Facebook page, when speaking about replacing a state justice, Kennedy notes: “ I will personally continue to encourage the Baker administration to consider and appoint diverse candidates to this and other open judicial seats.”

For those not aware, the Massachusetts Governor's Council is a state executive advisory board in the Massachusetts state government consisting of eight elected members. The lieutenant governor serves as an ex officio member of the council. The council records advice and consent regarding gubernatorial appointments, warrants for the state treasury, and pardons and commutations.

His opponent in the primary, Ms. Helina Fontes, spoke at the July Meeting.

In addition, John Berkowitz from will speak to the group about a bill before the state legislature entitled the: “End of Life Options Act”. Please see for more information.

The public is welcome to attend this meeting which will be held remotely via Zoom. Those interested in joining please contact us to receive an invite.