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Harvard Professor Danielle Allen joins Lynnfield Dems on August 18th

Professor Danielle Allen, who is exploring a possible run for Governor of Massachusetts in 2022, will join the Lynnfield Democrats on Wednesday, August 18th at 7:00PM.

Allen wants to hear from the residents of the Commonwealth about their most crucial concerns during this listening tour. She “wants to make our commonwealth serve all, not just the few,” and to help make it a place “where all are empowered to succeed.”

The Maryland native is a graduate of Princeton, King’s College, Cambridge, and Harvard

universities. She is currently the James Bryant Conant University Professor, and the Director of the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, both at Harvard. Her book “Our Declaration: A Reading of the Declaration of Independence in Defense of Equality” won the 2015 Francis Parkman prize, given by the Society of American Historians annually.

For more information about Professor Allen, see her webpage, or her profile page at


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